Despite best efforts, it may be impossible to resolve a matter using ADR.
Litigation is the process of having a legal dispute determined by a relevant court or tribunal. Court proceedings run to a strict timetable and litigation requires thorough preparation.
If you are involved in court proceedings, it is important to understand the relevant processes, the range of remedies that may be awarded, the likelihood of winning the case or successfully defending a matter, and the cost implications.
A cause of action must be based on a breach of legislation or the common law, and properly identified in the proceedings. Evidence may be led by documents, statements, video, or the like, to support the alleged breach and the strength of each parties’ evidence will be tested in the court room. Witnesses may be called to support your case or that of your opponent’s.
Speak to Our Adelaide Litigation Lawyers
Our experienced litigation lawyers will work closely with you so you are aware of your options and properly prepared for your matter, whether your dispute is settled using an ADR process or goes to court.
If you need assistance, contact one of our Adelaide Litigation Lawyers at [email protected] or call 08 8155 5322 for expert legal advice.