Category: Compensation

Bad credit rating? What can you do?

A credit rating (also known as a credit score) can play a vital role in a person’s financial life. A good credit rating indicates responsible borrowing and timely repayments, while a bad credit rating suggests a history of late payments or loan defaults. The lower the credit score, the less favourable the terms and conditions for future loans and credit cards. However, it is important to know that there are actions that can be taken to increase a low score. In this article, we will explore what a credit rating is, the factors that impact it, the effect of bad credit, and the steps that can be taken to increase a low credit rating.  

Your Personal Injury Claim – 7 Common Mistakes

Suffering an injury is a distressing experience, and pursuing a personal injury claim through the courts can be an important step towards seeking compensation for your losses. There are different laws about personal injury claims across Australia, and the processes vary depending on whether your injury happened at work, in a public place, while driving, or as the result of crime. However, regardless of the cause of your personal injury, it is crucial to be aware of the common mistakes that can undermine your claim and potentially reduce the chances of a successful outcome. 

The dos and don’ts of workers compensation claims

It is important to know the “Dos and don’ts” of trying to claim compensation for workplace injuries. People tend to believe claiming compensation for workplace injuries is an easy process, however there are stringent time restrictions you have to comply with when commencing a claim.

The do’s and dont’s of motor vehicle accident claims

The dos and don’ts of motor vehicle accident claims

If you have sustained an injury as a result of a motor vehicle accident (MVA) and are thinking of making a claim for your injuries, it is important to know the “Dos and don’ts” of trying to claim compensation.