
Why litigants should carefully choose expert witness

Expert evidence has been identified as one of the principal sources of expense, complexity, and delay in civil proceedings. In this article we look at the problem from the judges’ perspective and outline the dire consequences that can happen to one of the parties when an ’expert’ is found to less than objective and not an expert.

Understanding a Commercial Lease

When renting business related property, it is important for both Landlords and Tenants to understand the relationship they are entering into and the rights and obligations that they each have. The document that governs this relationship is usually a Commercial Lease.

Common Family Law Fallacies

If you’re in the unfortunate situation of going through a break-up you have probably heard all sorts of ‘advice’ from well-meaning friends and family.

Financial Agreements as an Estate Planning tool

A Financial Agreement is an effective tool for couples in managing their estate planning. Financial Agreements allow couples to pre-determine what they quantify as a fair distribution of their finances and assets, in the event of a relationship breakdown, death of one party, or mental illness.

Can your ex-de facto inherit under your Will?

Once upon a time you were happily living together with your de facto partner. Roses were bought, dinners were cooked, finances were shared and Wills were signed leaving all your assets to the other partner in the event of what you then thought of as the far away time of your tragic passing. Thoughts of either of you dying were such a melancholy distraction from the happiness of your lives together, that you put your Wills away in a bottom drawer and never looked at them again.

Wills for Blended Families

Making a Will is important, particularly if you are part of a blended family. A blended family is a family in which one or both partners have a child or children from a previous relationship. Careful estate planning now should ensure that all of your intended beneficiaries are provided for when you die and that the potential for conflict within the family unit is minimised.

What’s the difference between Parenting Plans and Parenting Orders?

A parenting plan is an informal written parenting agreement that includes parenting and care arrangements for children but has not been formally approved by the Federal Circuit and Family Court (FCFC). Parenting orders (or consent orders) are written parenting agreements that have been approved by the FCFC through an application made to the court. Parenting orders may also be made by the court after a hearing.

The dos and don’ts of workers compensation claims

It is important to know the “Dos and don’ts” of trying to claim compensation for workplace injuries. People tend to believe claiming compensation for workplace injuries is an easy process, however there are stringent time restrictions you have to comply with when commencing a claim.