May 2023

Common Family Law Fallacies

If you’re in the unfortunate situation of going through a break-up you have probably heard all sorts of ‘advice’ from well-meaning friends and family.

Financial Agreements as an Estate Planning tool

A Financial Agreement is an effective tool for couples in managing their estate planning. Financial Agreements allow couples to pre-determine what they quantify as a fair distribution of their finances and assets, in the event of a relationship breakdown, death of one party, or mental illness.

Can your ex-de facto inherit under your Will?

Once upon a time you were happily living together with your de facto partner. Roses were bought, dinners were cooked, finances were shared and Wills were signed leaving all your assets to the other partner in the event of what you then thought of as the far away time of your tragic passing. Thoughts of either of you dying were such a melancholy distraction from the happiness of your lives together, that you put your Wills away in a bottom drawer and never looked at them again.